12 Vegan Foods That Are Great For Weight Loss

So you’ve just finished your juice cleanse and now you’ve got your heart set on spending the rest of your life eating plants, am I correct?

I’m just kidding. Maybe you’ve been a vegetarian for a little while and you’re looking to make the transition over to a vegan diet.
Or maybe you just think that a vegan diet will be effective for losing weight… in which case you’d be right.

The thing is, eating a vegan weight loss diet doesn’t need to be overly restrictive. The only problem is that most people don’t have a wide knowledge and awareness of all of the different types of vegan foods.
When you know how many tasty vegan foods there are to offer, you begin to realise that you can really experiment and follow a tasty meal plan, which allows you to maintain your sanity and stick to your diet at the same time.
In this article, I’m going to shed some light on 15 tasty vegan weight loss foods which you can implement into your diet straight away.
Some of them are well-known, others aren’t so commonly heard of. But they’re all tasty.
Let’s get straight into the list… all this food talk is making me hungry!

1. Asparagus

There’s no particular reason why I’m starting this list with asparagus, other than the fact I’m craving asparagus right now!
But in all seriousness, asparagus is a vegetable which is not only incredibly versatile and tasty, but it also has a super high fibre content and it actually encourages the feeling of fullness. It also gives your immune system a boost.
If weight loss is your goal, this is definitely something I’d include in a vegan weight loss diet plan. I’m sure we can endure the effects of funky-smelling pee in order to lose weight, can’t we?

2. Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are a fantastic plant-based protein. They’re super rich in omega 3’s and they’ve got some fantastic anti-inflammatory properties.
They add some fantastic taste and texture when sprinkled on top of a meal, or you can do what I do and actually blend them into a smoothie!

3. Quinoa

Everybody’s eating quinoa nowadays!
Quinoa is actually a grain, but it acts similar to a vegetable or a protein. It’s rich in fibre, protein and various different vitamins, and it’s extremely filling.
The dietary fibre binds to fat and cholesterol, causing your body to absorb it, instead of storing it!
It’s the perfect vegan weight loss food for side dishes and salads.

4. Avocado

Avocados are one of my favourite foods in the whole world.
They have a really unique texture and taste, and they fill you up nicely.
People actually used to think that avocados were too fattening, however, as times have moved on, people have realised that it’s actually filled with fibre and monounsaturated fat. This is a good thing!

It’s also rich in glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant.
I’d recommend smashing your avocado, adding some chopped red onion and a dash of lime juice, and spreading it all over a crusty vegan bread!

5. Spiralized Noodles

Get yourself a spiralizer (Veggie Bullet is the one I use, it’s high-end but it’s probably the best one available) and start making these bad boys! Spiralized vegetables are an amazing vegan weight loss alternative to pasta, and you can make them with so many different vegetables.
I like to use sweet potato, but you can also use carrots, beets, butternut squash and tons more!

6. Pulses

Pulses consist of lentils, beans and peas. They’re great for enhancing weight loss as they’re full of protein and fibre which are key when it comes to feeling full.
Just a single serving of pulses can get rid of your cravings and satisfy hunger.
They also help lower blood sugar and insulin levels, along with speeding up the metabolism and helping the body burn more calories.

7. Nuts

Peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts… they’re all incredibly healthy.
Nuts are full of monounsaturated fats and protein. They’re incredibly satisfying, especially if you’re craving something crunchy like french fries.
I recommend adding some peanut butter to a couple of rice cakes or even a sliced apple.

8. Blueberries

For such a small fruit, blueberries sure are powerful!
They’re jam-packed with antioxidants to help keep your body running as it should, along with a ton of fibre.
They also contain a phytochemical called C3G which can indirectly enhance your metabolism and suppress your appetite.
Blueberries are only around 80 calories per cup, so they’re a fantastic choice for your vegan weight loss diet. It also helps that they’re super sweet, helping you squash those sugar cravings!

9. Oats

These are definitely some of the best carbs out there!
Oats are high in soluble fibre which helps lower your cholesterol, and the complex carbohydrates give you a sustainable supply of slow-release energy.
They’re a great ingredient for a ton of different snacks and desserts, or you can add them to a protein shake with some vegan, plant-based protein.

10. Cayenne/Hot Peppers

Are you one of those crazy people who enjoy hot food?
Cayenne or hot peppers contain Capsaicin, which are phytochemicals known to boost the metabolism and have a significant effect on fat loss.
I sprinkle cayenne pepper all over my food, along with some paprika. Lots of people also like it on fresh fruit, although that’s not my thing!

11. Apples

Apples are definitely a brilliant replacement for candy bars when trying to lose weight. It’s sweet taste and crunchy texture make it a great alternative for those naughty foods.

It’s packed with fibre and the actual mass of the apple means it takes up quite a lot of space in the stomach, suppressing the appetite.

12. Fresh Herbs

Everybody enjoys a few leaves of basil in their salads! I enjoy it with sun-dried tomatoes and spiralized sweet potato!
Whatever herbs you personally enjoy, they fit well within a vegan weight loss diet!
Go ahead and sprinkle them all over your favourite meals.

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